Cooper Ott

Web Design, Software and Game Development, and Digital Art

I'm Cooper Ott, a web developer passionate about interactive and visually impactful content. Whether that's software or games, performance and the visual user experience are what I love.

LinkedIn Profile OttCS Github Resume PDF

Reduced Motion: Your system settings are set to prefer less motion. I've limited any animations and improved the legibility.

Proficient Skills

My passion is developing web-based interactive content, but I've branched out during my time at James Madison University through software development and algorithms courses.

Intermediate Skills

From graphic design for a band, developing competitive game jam projects, and to database management in several courses, I've tackled a wide variety of roles depending on the situation.

Experience and Education

Zephyr Studios

Programmer and Project Lead, 2022 to Present

I've lead the ZephyrJS Project since April 2022, adding functional game engine features to the Open-Source PixiJS project. As of July 2023, the group has expanded to game development as well, using ZephyrJS to provide high performance browser-based gaming.

Zephyr Studios ZephyrJS Project

Computer Science, B.S.

James Madison University, Expected Graduation Spring 2024

JMU focuses on problem solving in computer science, whether it's algorithms and data structures or software and application development. I've taken Software Engineering for SCRUM development experience, and application and web development for front and backend skills.

Computer Information Systems Minor

James Madison University

My minor is where I learned the real-world application of computing in the context of business. JMU's College of Business focuses on logical problem-solving and communication abilities, while analyzing and designing information systems.

Game Jams

GMTK 2022/2023, PB & Game Jam 2020

I regularly participate in game jams to improve my skills in time management and rapid prototyping. In all three jams, I did all of the art, music/sfx, and programming and placed in the top 50 percent. Profile


The Beautiful Ones

Zephyr Studios, Targeting Q2 2024

Zephyr Studios' current project! I've been hard at work writing a browser-based, isometric engine that scales well to any system. Using ZephyrJS and PixiJS to provide a lightweight gaming experience will let us share a better game with more people.

Current Demo Store Page


A Beginner-Friendly Tabletop Roleplaying System

Just a hobby project of mine! Having a bunch of complex rules to sit down and play a game with friends didn't work well for new players, so I made a very small system that encourages creativity and storytelling instead of lots of dice math. It uses normal dice too!

It's here on GitHub